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The Hermit – time to shine your light

Writer's picture: markthomson56markthomson56

The Major Arcana card for this year is card no 9, the Hermit.

How do I know that? By numerology. One aspect of the Tarot is the numbers. The year 2025 in numerology is 2+0+2+5 = 9, the number of the Hermit card.

The Hermit card in the Everyday Witch Tarot shows the importance of going withing
The Hermit card in the Everyday Witch Tarot shows the importance of going withing

This is the energy for the year as a whole, the energy for the collective. It most likely isn’t your personal card for the year, however. I’ll show you how to work that out at the end of the blog.

My own personal card for last year was the Hermit, and I must say 2024 was a year of strong spiritual growth for me, much more so than any other recent year.

At the beginning of 2024 I was not in a good space, I had a lot of resentments and was more negative than I usually am. I was also procrastinating and avoiding dealing with difficult emotions anTd situations. Not a good position to be in when you are a self-employed therapist.

The solution turned out to be returning to a spiritual path I’d left ten years ago. Daily prayer and meditation, more journalling than usual coupled with regular Reiki self-healing raised my vibration and provided answers to some of the issues I’d been struggling with. The year become a time of powerful healing, and I’m in a much better position now to move forward in my life.

And that is the energy of the Hermit Card. If you are open to it, the Hermit can teach you the joy of meditation, self-discovery, aloneness and just hanging out with yourself.

The shadow side of this card, however, is isolation, withdrawal and loneliness, which is how I felt before I started to work on myself. Loneliness is missing the connection with someone else. Aloneness is enjoying the presence of yourself.

There is a drive with the Hermit to find a deeper and more satisfying vison of life, deeper truths, a philosophy to live by, and the need to love and accept yourself. There is a need to understand your inner feelings and motivations and to find a guiding light of spiritual truth. Assessing where life has led you brings insights, understanding and wisdom.

The Hermit tarot card depicts a cloaked figure holding a lantern and staff on a snowy landscape, with a calm, introspective mood.
The Rider Waite deck shows the Hermit shining his light to help others find their way

It’s a great time to study, I started to learn tapping or EFT. You may seek a teacher or guide who can give you advice and direction. Eventually you may become such a teacher yourself, lighting the way for others. The Rider Waite image shows the Hermit holding a lantern, to guide others on the way. A six-pointed star is the guiding light of the spirit, bringing faith and hope and truth.

It will be interesting to see how the Hermit archetype plays out in the world. We could do with more wisdom being applied to the global issues we face rather than the politics of opportunism. We need some long-term solutions to global warming. It’s depressing to see the effects of our collective inner conflicts being played out in the world through war, addiction, widespread discrimination and scapegoating.

The Hermit is seen as one of the four cardinal virtues in the Tarot. The philosopher Plato saw them as the foundations of good character. They are Prudence, Fortitude, Justice and Temperance and were co-opted into Christianity, and later into the Tarot.

It’s obvious that Temperance and Justice are in the Tarot. Fortitude is represented by the Strength card. Prudence is generally taken to be the Hermit as it is often equated with wisdom. It’s about responsibility, hard work and perseverance, as exemplified by the astrology sign of Virgo, also associated with the Hermit.

How to find your personal card for 2025

To find your Major Arcana card for any calendar year simply add the day and month of birth to the year and keep adding the numbers until it is 22 or less. 22 is the number of the Fool.

So, my day and month of birth is 23/5. So for 2025 I add 23+5+2025 = 2053 then add 2+0+5+3 = 10 which is the Wheel of Fortune card.

So a more outward year for me than 2024. The lesson is to learn and profit from my challenges and opportunities, and the turning of the wheel will bring new opportunities, challenges and people into my life. Some people see this as a lucky card and it is ruled by Juppiter. I think we make our own luck, but there can be an optimistic outlook with this card which can help me do just that.



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