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How to understand any card more deeply

Writer's picture: markthomson56markthomson56

The Tarot has 78 cards, and while I'm sure you find some of them easy to understand, others may be a bit more tricky. That’s understandable, as 78 cards is a lot to keep track of.


And if you read for yourself, sometimes you will find that a particular card keeps coming up. These are commonly called stalker cards. The techniques used to understand the meaning of a stalker card also help us obtain a deeper understanding of any card in the Tarot. And these techniques also work with Oracle cards, and that’s what this blog covers.


Why do cards stalk us?


Each of us is unique with different life experiences and hopes. And if there is a theme or recurring lesson at a particular time in your life, then it makes sense for the card associated with that theme to keep showing up.


If you're like me you may not deal with an issue immediately. For many of us there may be a time of avoidance or denial. Or perhaps we don't see the issue clearly yet and the card needs to reappear until we figure it out.


So the same card will keep appearing until we deal with the issue that needs to be dealt with, or until circumstances change so its message is no longer relevant. A stalker card is urging you to find out more about the meaning of that card, how it relates to your life, and what action you need to take because it usually has an important message for you.


What’s your gut reaction?


First check in with your gut. When I had the Emperor card stalking me I felt dismay because I didn’t like the message of the card and resisted it.


Part of what the Emperor is about is to take responsibility for your life, become more organised, become more self-disciplined and ordered. And my inner teenager rebelled against that even though I would have benefited from more self-discipline and organisation.


And as long as I resisted the message I wouldn't act on it and the card kept showing up. So if your gut reaction to a card is fear, dismay or another negative emotion, it's time to dive deeper into the meaning. Once I stopped resisting the Emperor and his sensible message for me and got my life more in order, he stopped turning up. And I'm now in a much better place with work. (For more on the Emperor and my journey with it see


I believe that the messages from the cards are in alignment with my highest good. There is no such thing as a good or bad card. They all have useful things to say to me, and the less I want to hear them the more useful they often are.


So view all of the cards with openness and curiosity, especially the ones you dislike. Put aside the idea the card is ‘bad’ or telling you something ‘bad’. Assuming the message will be supportive helps you to connect more fully with it and make the positive changes the cards are encouraging you to carry out.


Journaling takes you deeper


Journaling is an effective way to find out more about a card. First, connect with the energy of the card. Take it out and really look at it. Are there symbols that trigger your intuition? Do the colours evoke any feelings for you? Do the people and what they are doing bring anything to mind? Assume the stance of one of them – how does that feel?


There are two main ways I journal, free flow writing, or using prompts.


With free flow writing write for ten minutes without stopping or pausing, without thinking about or evaluating what you are writing, just do a complete brain dump.  It doesn’t have to make sense or be coherent. It doesn’t need structure. It allows your subconscious mind to sometimes produce worthwhile and unexpected insights.


Use a pen and paper with free-flow writing. That prevents you going back and editing. It’s also more difficult to get distracted, and I find it easier to connect with my subconscious mind with a pen than on a computer.


Or if you prefer a more structured approach use some prompts to get you started. Here’s a few to start you off:

·        What is my initial reaction to this card?

·        What do I like about this card?

·        What do I dislike about this card?

·        Does this card’s message frighten me or annoy me?

·        How can I change my perspective, so the message is empowering and useful?


Or brainstorm a list of ideas related to what the card might mean for you.


Check in with another deck


If you have more than one Tarot deck go through them and take the card you want to better understand from each deck. Lay them out in front of you and see if the different artwork gives you any insights.


Meditate with the card


Make yourself comfortable, observe your breath entering and leaving your body, and allow yourself to just be. Place the card you want to get to know at your eye level, so you don’t have to strain to see it. Have pen and paper handy to write down any thoughts you may have at any stage of the meditation.


Now look at the card and notice what you see. What does the card look like? What colours does it have? What symbols does it have? Are there figures in the card? What are they doing? What does this card feel like?


Now close your eyes and bring to mind as much of it as you can remember.


Open your eyes and look at the card again, noticing anything you may have missed. What does it look like now? What do you think about the card? Has your thinking changed?


Now close your eyes. Can you sense the energy around the card? What does it feel like?


Now, look at the card again. What do you see this time? Can you see anything else on it?


Now when you close your eyes imagine walking into the card. Notice the temperature, the weather, the general atmosphere. Ask if the card has a message for you and allow yourself to receive it. You may interact with parts of the card and ask them questions or become one of the people in the card and receive the information you need. Another option is to observe it as if it is a movie that you are watching. Take as much time as you need, before gently coming back to the room and writing down your thoughts.


Discover what others think


Read the guidebook that came with your deck and see if the creator provides any different information about the card.


You can also look up the meaning of the card in a Tarot book or an online blog. Get a feel for how their thoughts might connect with your current life situation. Be sensible about it and don’t overwhelm yourself with information. And always make sure any insights are relevant to your situation before you take them on board.


Ask the Tarot


You can create a spread to find out the meaning of the card that is bugging you. Or google what do stalker cards mean, and you’ll find a number of spreads you can use. Or use this one I’ve created.


Card 1 the stalker card or card you want to understand.


Card 2 – what do I need to do to understand and accept this card


Card 3 – the message this card has for you


Card 4 The action this card wants you to take – your next step


Card 5. The outcome


Good luck and enjoy your journey with the Tarot.












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